Saturday Door Fix'in Time

What a beautiful day today is, no rain and not really too warm. Yesterday was enjoyable as we had Luke spend the night with us. I made a big pot of spaghetti sauce and meatballs so we had a great supper. Luke ate like a champ; he had a piece of bread two meatballs and a bowl of spaghetti. After supper we played on the floor with my golf ball collection. He made up some game that I lost at (of course)! We each had a bowl of strawberry ice-cream and watch some kiddies’ show on TV.
This morning was my day to again try and fix the leak at the back door. I was not very successful the other day as it continued to leak. I hope this time that I am successful as I have run out of ideas.
The painting that you see is one that my daughter Sandy painted. She is so talented, she does pottery and paintings. I wish that she would really get serious about this hobby. Who knows what it might lead to? She has a great Blog that she does and has some links to her art and stuff. Right now it is not up to date because of a computer break down But it should be up dated next week, you can see it now if you wish, it is
Be a Blessing to someone today! Today’s verse is …….“Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”- Jeremiah 32:17


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