Fishing with "Ole" Friends
I was invited to go fishing with two of my classmates from high school, Bill Howard and Gene Martin. Of course I immediately said yes with out thinking about it. Bill told me that we were going to fish on the Myakka River on private property. It has been years since I had fished on that river, when I was younger I use to hunt and fish on it. Now after all the excitement was over I then got my instructions from Bill. Be at my house at 6:30 AM. That meant for me to get up at 5 AM. Bring what you want to eat, drink and snack on during the day. Bring a chair to sit on on the river bank as will be there for some time. Bring as many fishing poles as you want. I do a lot of bass fishing so telling me that is an open invitation. We will pick up Gene at 7 AM at his home, he already has bought the worms. WORMS much for all my bass lures and poles. I did bring two bass poles and a few lures. I brought my cork fishing, fish catching river bank beauty with me. I brought ple...