
Showing posts from February 5, 2012

Fishing with "Ole" Friends

  I was invited to go fishing with two of my classmates from high school, Bill Howard and Gene Martin. Of course I immediately said yes with out thinking about it. Bill told me that we were going to fish on the Myakka River on private property. It has been years since I had fished on that river, when I was younger I use to hunt and fish on it. Now after all the excitement was over I then got my instructions from Bill. Be at my house at 6:30 AM. That meant for me to get up at 5 AM. Bring what you want to eat, drink and snack on during the day. Bring a chair to sit on on the river bank as will be there for some time. Bring as many fishing poles as you want. I do a lot of bass fishing so telling me that is an open invitation. We will pick up Gene at 7 AM at his home, he already has bought the worms. WORMS much for all my bass lures and poles. I did bring two bass poles and a few lures. I brought my cork fishing, fish catching river bank beauty with me. I brought ple...

Time to Learn a New Sport

My oldest grandson (Tyler) is playing Lacrosse for Manatee HS. It is a club sport for now, we are hoping that it becomes a sanctioned sport soon. This sport is very new to me and Pat as we have never followed it. The one thing I did learn is that it is as rough as football. It may be a little rougher as they have sticks and hit each other with them. They will be playing a lot of games  this year, so I may learn what the rules are all about. Tyler has an aunt that had a scholarship to Lafayette to play and she has helped him. He also has been to a clinic in Virginia a couple of years ago. He seems to really like it so we wish him well. He also is still playing Flag football each week......oh to be young again!   Below you can see that Tyler is on the move. This game moves very fast at times and you need to be ready to take off.   Before the game Tyler is preparing to pitch the ball during warm ups.   Below Tyler is preparing to chase a pitch, he caught it but my came...