Moving Slow!
Here is a picture of the supplies that showed up on Thursday. My contractor told me that the block people would be here today early and be done by day’s end. Well I took the picture early in the morning and here it is at 12:40 pm and I have not seen a worker. So much for the theory that they would be done today. I see that we have a storm brewing out in the Gulf. I hope we get some rain out of it but that’s all I need. It is kind of late for storms but who knows? I went to the election office to check out two provisional ballets, yes I said two. I think they ought to change the law. If there are not enough provisional ballets to change the election, throw them in the trash. What a waste of time for the Supervisor of Elections and his staff, and of course mine also. Tonight Manatee HS goes to North Port to play a game. I think that I will pass on it and stay home as it will be the first night this week. Well have a great week end and I will be back on Monday. It’s time for me to go for ...