What If?
What if this lady were to run for the President of the US in 2012, would we be an better off or not? Here is some information for you to read about here. The picture on the right is Mrs. Palin when she won a beautify contest in Alaska. If she runs and wins she would be the best looking President we have ever had. Governor Sarah Palin first made history on Dec. 4, 2006. Sworn in that day as the 11th governor of Alaska, she is the first woman to hold the office. In August 2008, Senator John McCain tapped Governor Palin to serve as his vice presidential running mate in his Presidential campaign, thus making her the first woman to run on the Republican Party's presidential ticket. In Alaska, her top priorities have been resource development, education, health, and transportation and infrastructure development. Governor Palin has fought for reform and transparency in government. Governor Palin has a long record of achievement and experience in public office. Prior to her election as gov...