Trip to The Mnts (part 3)
Well this is better now than skip it all together. I left out a very important part of the trip, why I will never know. We left on Sunday morning Feb 20th to head back home, as always we always take back roads home. We ate breakfast in some little town in the Ga mountains, actually is was a brunch to me because it was about 10:45 AM. The food was great and I ate something a little different. It was called Red Link Sausage, I was a big shot and thought I know what I was ordering,,,"WRONG"! That stuff was terrible but I ate it and never said a word, man was it hot! We drove all the way to Valdosta that day, on the back roads which takes about two hours longer. It is always nicer to drive the back roads no stress like on the Interstate. We checked into the Holiday Inn Express and then went to supper. We all were rather tired so we parted company early and went to our rooms. Pat and I read for and hour or so then turn the lights out. This is when all the fun happened, did I say ...