Changing Times

This is the view from my office at City Hall; you can see our Marina on the water front. This does not look anything like what it did when we were kids growing up in Bradenton back in the 50’s. There were fewer boats in the marina and more activities in the building. I remember going to Sock Hops and visiting WTRL along with seeing Snooty. I remember Dan Huth being the teenage disc jockey that we listen to. Mayor Sterling Hall and his nightly radio show, telling us how great he was ha ha. (Politicians?) What I remember the most is my very first trip to Bradenton to visit Mr. Rossi. My brother and I went down to the pier and went fishing. We caught so many yellow tails off the pier that we drew a crowd of people. Had I been a Baptist at that time I would have passed a collection basket. I wish we still had the neon fishing sign that was on the building. What an awesome sight that was when you came across the Green Bridge Oh well, so much for nostalgia!. Bradenton has really changed...