Day Dreaming!

I just can't stop thinking about how cool I could be if I were in the right location. This river looks so inviting that I can hear it rushing along in the mountains.
I am sitting in my air conditioned office thinking about what my two grandsons are going through. Yesterday both Tyler and Luke went to the first day of baseball camp at MCC. The time of the camp is 1 PM to 4 PM, how crazy is that? But they seem to enjoy it, but man was it ever hot out there. Today will be a real tough day for Tyler as he has golf from 9:30 AM til 12 noon and then off to baseball camp. I know that it is a good experience for them and I know when I was young I loved it also. But I wonder if the heat index back in the 50's was as high as it is today (103).
I came to work this morning all geared up for a meeting only to find out that it is on Wednesday. When will I ever learn to look at my schedule? Wednesday will be a full day as I have meetings at 10 AM, 5:30 PM and the a council meeting at 6 PM. As they say that's what we get paid big bucks for $$$.
Last night Pat and I watched the LSU vs Texas CWS game. The game went off at 11:24 PM with LSU winning the first game. Tonight they will play again at 7 PM I hope LSU takes it in two games. Me staying awake til that time is a real trick for me, but if there is something interesting I can make it.
I have put a hit counter on my Blog to see if it is being read very much. The only comments I get are from my daughter Sandy. So I am not sure that it is worth the writing everyday, but I do enjoy it. My wife Pat does reads it each day along with Sandy's Blog.
Well time to go, have a Blessed day. and the verse of the day is.... “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”- Isaiah 40:31


  1. Isn't Darenda reading it? Anyhow, has MCC changed their name yet???? Crazy.


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