Cool Weather, "PLEASE"!

Another day here in sunny Florida, as I was coming to work this morning (8 AM) it was already 90 degrees. I began thinking how nice it is in the mountains. The picture is of both my son-laws James and Doug enjoying TV. The weather was wonderful in the mountains that day, of course it was in November. That is my time of the year, I never complain about the cold, but the heat is another thing. I remember last year leaving a Florida football game in the first quarter as it was so humid that you could not breath, and that was at 6 PM.
My grandsons start their baseball camp this week as I have already stated and I just don't know if they can stand it. I hope so but I know it will be tough on them.
Well time to get back to work before I lose interest, ha ha.
Have a Blessed day!
Today verse of the day is....“The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”- Psalm 121:7-8


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