"Getting Old, "Ya Gotta Love It!"
Well I don't know how old that squirrel is but if he lives long enough maybe he can "people watch". Me watching him seems to be my adventure today as my tree trimming guy did not show up. It might be to his disadvantage as now I will re-think if I really want to trim that tree. Today is one of those day's that I hate. Too hot to piddle around out side and nothing to do inside. I am too lazy to do any thing productive, but I will ride my indoor bike about 5 miles later in the day. I really need to get back in the swing of things as far as exercising goes. When I went out side to get the mullet wrapper this morning at 6:30 AM I almost ran back in. The humidity was so bad that early that it would take your breath away. I came back in and told Pat, "I am glad we are not fishing this morning." The Marvins will be back today from their cruise. Monday Tyler will finish up his golf lessons and then Tuesday will be a new day. This year both Tyler and Luke will be in ...