Election Day

Today is Election Day in Bradenton so I hope that everyone voted (for my friends). I have heard that the turnout is rather low. Pat and I will be going to a victory party with my friends after the election. Then back to City Hall in the morning and business as usual.
I have some of the latest pictures of how the room is coming along. Today they poured a 4 inch floor on top of the existing floor. It took 3 yards of concrete that was a little bit of a surprise to me. So I guess that the ceiling height will be a little less than 8 foot.

Luke our little grandson has been sick for two days. He has been running a fever and heaving. I just hope and pray that he gets better soon. Sandy our daughter in Georgia seems to be getting along fine with her new job. I know that both she and her husband are glad that she is back to work. She has worked all her life since leaving high school and college. I know that the 10 months she was not working had to drive her nuts.
Well take care and have a Blessed day!
Encouraging Words
“[Submission to the Authorities] Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” (Romans 13:1)


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