Fishing with "Ole" Friends

 I was invited to go fishing with two of my classmates from high school, Bill Howard and Gene Martin. Of course I immediately said yes with out thinking about it. Bill told me that we were going to fish on the Myakka River on private property. It has been years since I had fished on that river, when I was younger I use to hunt and fish on it.

Now after all the excitement was over I then got my instructions from Bill.
  • Be at my house at 6:30 AM. That meant for me to get up at 5 AM.

  • Bring what you want to eat, drink and snack on during the day.

  • Bring a chair to sit on on the river bank as will be there for some time.

  • Bring as many fishing poles as you want. I do a lot of bass fishing so telling me that is an open invitation.

  • We will pick up Gene at 7 AM at his home, he already has bought the worms.

  • much for all my bass lures and poles. I did bring two bass poles and a few lures. I brought my cork fishing, fish catching river bank beauty with me.

  • I brought plenty of #6 hooks and bobbers, which I needed.

    We arrived about 8 AM to the secret fishing whole. I have been up for 3hrs and have not wet a hook yet. I jump out of the truck before Bill shut the motor down and ran to the river. I had one bass pole and a green Zoom Fluke. On my third cast I caught about a 2# bass. I was so excited that I asked Bill to take a picture of it. It is a good thing I did because my glory did not last long.

     Here you see Gene Martin on his private little fishing spot. He caught a good number of fish. He was catching Bream, Shell Crackers and Blue Gils.
     Bill was sitting about 20 yards from me a catching fish one after the other. In the picture above he is holding a Talopia, he caught several of them. He also caught a Bass that was at least 2# and lots of pan fish, shell crackers, bream and a cat fish. I spent a lot of time watching him.

     The picture above and below is the area that I was sitting drowning worms. I did catch a few but nothing like the big boys did. But I promise I Will be prepared a little better next time. As you can see where we are is really "old Florida", very pristine and beautiful. I was told that you could dig on the bank and find big sharks teeth. Can you just imagine what this land looked like 1000 years ago.

    Well, I hope all of you have a Blessed week. My week started off very Blessed...Fishing with two friends.....does not get any better than that.

    “Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.” -Psalm 97:10


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