" The Day after the 4th"!

We had a great time at the Bradenton City waterfront watching the fireworks last night. As you can see we were there before the sun set. Also you can that there was a good crowd on the City Hall lawn waiting to watch the fireworks. As it got dark the crowd grew much more than you see in this photo. I was able to take a few photos of the fireworks but nothing to brag about. The show only lasted about 30 minutes. The cost is shared by the cities of Bradenton and Palmetto. With budget constraints as they are 30 minutes is about all we could afford this year. Getting out of downtown and getting home took us 30 minutes which is not as bad if we were on the Island.
I finally found out what NASCAR stands for. This definition is for all my race friends out there. NASCAR=”Non Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks”! Oh well new enemies will arrive at my Blog…ha.
Be a Blessing to someone today!
Today’s verse is .. “In that day you will say: "Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.”- Isaiah 12:4


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