Going to Be slow.

I have had cataract surgery on my right eye. I will do the left in two weeks. So....I will be a little lax on getting stuff on my Blog. Take care and I will be back soon. As you can see Pat thought I should share my temporary reading glasses. WOW what a buy $1.07 at the dollar tree store. (guess who sent me there)

Have a Blessed day.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” -Ephesians 6:4


  1. Aww...you look so sad. Hope it didn't hurt too much. I just got back from a vacation "up north". The 1st week of summer, I take the kids to a little cabin at the top of a hill overlooking a fishing lake. It is surrounded by deer, wild turkey, fox, raccoons, etc. We "unplug" from the world and spend quality time together. If you are still on facebook, I've just uploaded tons of pictures. Take care.....hope you are doing better.


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