Football is Not Over!

Tyler is playing flag football on Anna Maria Island at the youth center. They play during the week nights which I think is rough on parents and kids. Games are scheduled at 6,7,& 8 PM, not a problem for grandparents but I can see parents going "what tha". Tyler's team won, 28 to 7 I think, it started to rain with 2 mins left and I took off. Tyler caught several passes and seem to have a real ball. The two top pictures tell me HE REALLY ENJOYED THE GAME!

Luke is also playing flag football at the same location. Luke is playing for Denver and Pat and I call him Tim Tebow. Luke is a big Bama fan so that does not work for him. As an old youth league I can recognize talent when I see it. Luke is the fastest kid on that team and should be a running back not the QB. He can throw a great pass but there is no one to catch it. They run the ball on every play, but the QB never runs, big mistake.

Now here is my favorite picture of my son in law and grandson. Seems it won't be long that "old dad" will not be the biggest guy in the house pretty soon.

As you can see God has Blessed Pat and I with a great kids and grandkids. So from me to you.....Be Blessed and be a Blessing to someone today.

“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16 )


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