Better Today

I have really been slacking with my Blogging lately. I have been in a real funky mood and have not really felt like it. I think it is a mixture of my dental work and a couple of my friends who are really sick and have been in the hospital too long. I know that my teeth work have been bothering me. But I think about mt friends who are really sick and it makes me feel lucky and Blessed.

I do have a little story to share about my dental work. Last week I had prep work done with anticipation of some bridges being installed. I had four temporary crowns and off to Gainesville I went for the orange and blue game. While tail gating I bit down on a mere piece of cheese and 'Bam" out came a crown cap. Monday morning I called George Cajoleas and told him what I had done. By 1 pm I was back in the chair and he repaired the tooth. Now here it comes....wait here it is....One hour later I was installing a new sprinkler and I was trying to get it out of the package. I am so smart that I decided to tear it open with my teeth, yep you read it right, my teeth. I guess it is no surprise what happened to another tooth. So back to George I went to have another repair, man did I feel stupid. I am suppose to have the first two Bridges completed and installed this next Monday. Lord I hope nothing happens till then, frustration has been running rapid in my soul this week.

Well they say confession is good for the soul, I hope that is true. When you are talking to God please ask him to heal Harold Morris and Harold Floyd. God Bless them both and their families. Please be Blessed and be a Blessing to some one today.

“[The Resurrection of Christ] Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand.” (1 Corinthians 15:1, 3-4)


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