Well Planned and Fun Weekend

Well Saturday was a great day for fun. Our day started off with us watching Luke play BB at GT Bray Park, as you can see we seem to favorite one player. One of the photos shows him running after he hit a smashing single to left field.
After the game Pat and I met a high school buddy and his wife for lunch. We had a real nice visit and a good lunch.

After the lunch we came home so Pat could rake some more leaves and I could take a nap. Old men like me have to rest if you plan a night out on the town. We had plans to go see the Tampa Bay Lightning play hockey with some gator club members. As you can see by some of the photos Pat and I are a bit old as compared to the rest. But they are all nice kids and we have fun with them. Hanging around with young people make you feel young.
After church today Pat had planned to take Darenda and the two boys to see the Pirates play the Tampa Bay Rays. But as luck would have it, it is a rainy day so that will not happen.
I see that all the big teams are falling like rain themselves. Kansas and George Town have both lost and are out of it. I bet the bookies in Las Vegas are dying. In my mind it kind of makes the Gators lost a little insignificant. I was going to watch the Gators beat Miss St in BB today but it is raining there also. So I guess it will be another great day for a nap.
Have a Blessed day and be Blessed. “But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)


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