Paw Paw Messed up!

This is the picture that my daughter Darenda sent me via email. The email stated, "the little slugger went 2 for 2 and scored both times as they won their first game, and was presented the game ball. Well you see that may not be big news for all you big baseball fans, but for me it was great. The sad thing for me is that I opted to go play cards with some buddies and I missed his game for the first time. Man, did I mess up I should be horse whipped for that. Any way I am sure proud of him and I know he will do it again.

Today I will be going to the Pirates game with Pat. The season is winding down and I know Pat will miss it as she loves to go to the games. As for for me I really don't get to excited with pro ball. It is nice to see people that you know and you only see them during spring ball.

Yesterday I went to Jack Smiths funeral, Jack was a friend and coach at Manatee HS school. We will all miss his smiling face and cheers for his Gators. Pat and I are going to another funeral on Saturday morning in Jacksonville. It seems that we are going to funerals too often now and it is a little depressing. But, that is the stage of life that we and our friends are.

Take care and be Blessed and be Blessing to someone today.

“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12


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