Safe Boating

Today is a day not made in heaven for me. I had to have a jaw tooth cut out, and it does hurt somewhat. My dentist told me that he would rate it in his top 10 for being one of the worst he has done. I am now getting to the point where I will need several bridges made so that I can chew. Man this getting old is so much fun, I can hardly stand it. As you see I have our boat home today, I need to check it all out. We are taking the boys to Lake Okeechobee for a fun fishing trip. Luke has never been there and he is really excited and Tyler is too. Our boat is 21ft long and it really great for family fishing. It is so much fun building memories for the boys. I have none for my child hood, so I want to make it happen for them. Pat is an excellent grandma as she plays and does things with them all the time. I am a little behind in that area so I need to get of my butt and “git er done”. Hope we have some pictures to show you with fish when we get back. Until them, “May you be Blessed” !God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21

For some reason my pictures not showing up. When I figure it out I will put them, soory.


  1. Sure wish you had that boat when we were in high school!! Maybe you could have taught me to fish. My girls want to learn, and I have no one to teach them!!!


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