
This has been an interesting week end for Pat and I. Seems as though our room will be finishing up this Tuesday with the installation of the carpet. And now, well now it seems that our AC unit is leaving us. Yesterday it froze up on the heat cycle and did not work, so last night we slept without heat. It really was not all that bad as it only was 61 in the house. That really made for great sleeping conditions. Today Pat and I loaded up with fire wood and hand split some oak. We are now prepared for whatever comes our way. Tonight is supposed to be even colder than last night. The pictures that you see were taken about 50 miles north of us.

Next surprise is that I think we have to replace our garage opener, the whole enchilada. Looking at it I think that maybe Pat and I together can do it. Looking back now maybe Pat and I should have taken one more shot at having a boy. Think he would be offering to help if he existed?

This picture is a framed statement of facts given to me by my daughter Sandy. I now say to my Tenn, FSU and LSU friends, read this and get prepared.

Have a great day and be Blessed and be a Blessing to someone.
“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16)


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