Storm Coming?

Well its looks like we are going to get a real storm today. I have not seen the weather report but looking out of my office window it looks bad. I guess we cannot complain about rain as it has been too dry this summer. My Daughter Sandy who lives in Newnan, Georgia tells me they are having a good bit of rain also. I see that we have another storm brewing out in the Gulf. I hope that Hurricanes sty rather dormant and peaceful this year. With the exception of the Manatee Hurricane football team!
I had a talk with the Police Chief today, he is asking for more Police officers. I told him that putting police officers on the road will not solve our problems. It is going to take more education at home about drugs and the enforcement in the judicial system. Training at home brings to mind our verse for today!
Take care and have a great day….and be a Blessing to someone today and be Blessed. Today’s verse is.. “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”- Proverbs 22:6


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