Just Piddling Around

I am not feeling all that well today so I am not doing too much. Saturday morning I woke up with a runny eye and nose I figured it was nothing but allergy. That night I started to feel bad with some aches and chills. Sunday I skipped church and took a 3 hr nap. Sunday night I had a little fever and some more chills but I think the worst is gone. (I hope)
Saturday night was our Gator Fundraiser which helps us with our scholarships. I am not sure how well we did but we will find out Wednesday night. Pat worked most of the night and I played, what’s new? We had a nice crowd and gave away some nice prizes.
Today when I was on my way to Lowes a car in front of me ran the red light at 21st ave and 14th street. I caught up with it at the next red light so being in a hurry did not help them get too far down the road. Lord and behold they pulled into Lowes and parked in a handicap spot. I walked by them and they had no permit to do so, wow had I been a cop!!! Twice they got away with doing wrong….oh well I did find what I wanted to make a Top plug for Sandy’s deer feeder.
You have a Blessed day and be a Blessing to someone today. Today’s verse is “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if you hear his voice,”- Psalm 95:6-7


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