Yard work day!

Wow what a day this has turned out to be so far. Pat and I started this morning (8 AM) as a team to mow, edge and weed eat the yard. Working together it should have taken us about 40 mins at the most.
As I started edging I noticed that some nice person had kicked one of my sprinklers. I say kicked because it is out by my street and the way it was broken tells me that. I had it running last night so I guess it made someone mad. I then noticed that I had a leak at one of my hose bibs on the house, so I fixed that. While Pat was mowing she noticed a spot where the sand was bubbling up. We both know what that was as soon as we saw it. So after the yard work Pat and I started to dig and cut roots until we could see the pipe. In fact it was three pipes and two of them were leaking. So after much digging and root chopping we decided to have a man come and do the repairs. Best $20 I have spent in a while, he repaired the leaks and filled up the hole.
As you can see I am waiting for the next bomb to go off, what will it be?

You be a Blessing to someone today and have yourself a Blessed day. Today’s verse is….“[To the Church in Laodicea] "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”- Revelation 3:14,20


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