Sprinker is done...me too!

Last night when I got done I was totally wore out, thank goodness for Pats help. I realized that I had not bought enough PVC to do the job that I had planned and engineered so carefully. But I thought that I would get done what I could and the go buy more pipe this morning. As usual I woke up about 3:30 AM and could not go back to sleep for hours. During that awake time I was able to re-think my project to fit my supplies. So, at 6:30 AM this morning after coffee I went out and completed the project. All seem to go well and the water flowed as you can see in the picture. Ha Ha!
Tonight I will fill the rest of the ditch and hopefully that will be it. I have a broken blister the size of a half dollar in the middle of my right palm. That goes to show you just how much work I don't do. Or on the other hand how stupid I am...gloves what gloves?
Sorry about the late Blog last night but I forgot all about it until late time....
Be a Blessing to someone today. Today's verse is “I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.”- Psalm 119:14


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