" Spend Them $$$ "

Today is a non-eventful type day as I have not accomplished much. I have spent many hours doing work and updating the http://www.manateegatorclub.com/ Web Site. As the Web master for the Gator Club I get to do a lot of fun things on the Web Site.
We had a FP&L energy survey done today. This survey was generated by the additional heat we now have in the house. When I took down the oak tree it has increase the heat in the back room, lack of shade is the problem.
Over all I did not learn much more than I already knew. I need to make some changes in that room. I will be getting estimates to change it from a non-insulated, too many window’s room to just the opposite.
Oh well, it time for me to put some money into the economy. Kind of my own stimulus package ha, ha.
Be a Blessing to someone to day and have a Blessed day. Today’s verse is ….“All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.”- Psalm 119:160


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