" 47 " Years......

Today is a very special day for me. My lovely wife Pat and I have been married 47 yrs. That might not be a very long time for some of you but it is not the norm for today. When I evaluate my life over and over I know how Blessed I am.
Our day today so far has consisted of going to Church and then out to a great lunch. With luck we ran into Dr. Lieberman who is my heart doctor and Pats primary. I was so glad that he sat away from us so he could not see what I was eating.
The rest of the day will be rest and relaxation for the both of us. Here’s hoping that you have a Blessed day and that you will be a Blessing to someone today.
Today’s verse is…“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”- James 1:22


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