Over cast Day!

Not much going on today as it is an over cast dreary day. City Hall today was….”City Hall, not much going on. We have set a meeting for some final budget discussions for next week. Our Police Chief is trying to supply us with information about how short we are on Police officers. The graphs and studies are all great, but fall short of telling you how to pay for them. It does not take a genius to figure out how,,,Raise Taxes. Our Police and Fire cost us more then we take in property taxes now. I am sure that the public would love to have more police, but if they got a tax bill that was increased by $100 they would flip. I am not sure that problems can be solved with more police. The judicial system must be stronger and quit letting crooks go. Drug dealers and users, yes users must be dealt with more sternly. Oh well enough of that stuff!!!
Tonight Pat and I will be going to a meeting wrapping up our Gator Fundraiser project. We will be helping to make baskets and cut out name tags and etc. Then on Saturday night the party will be fun and I hope we make some good money. It all goes towards a Scholarship Fund that we do locally.” Gotta” go cook some good food…Jambalaya!
Take care and have a Blessed day and be a Blessing to someone today. Today’s verse is “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”- Isaiah 26:3


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