Cleaning Drains!

City Hall was the first thing on my agenda this morning. Not much going on but budget talk and it is getting down to the nitty gritty. I remember the days when I was fire Chief and I had to put a budget together. Just about the time you thought you were done another memo would come out of the clerk’s office. I would have to start all over again and try and make things balance and try to out fox them. I am sure glad those days are behind me, that’s for sure!

After lunch I decided to get off my butt and go outside a do some work. I knew it was going to be hot but this sitting around and snoozing is about to put me in the grave. I have no excuse for not getting outside and doing something, even if it is hot and humid.
All my rain gutters had plastic covers over them to keep the small crap, leaves and etc out of them. That worked pretty well except it did accumulate a little debris in them. That is when the problem was a pain, trying to clean it out was tough. Now that the big oak tree is gone from the back of the house I thought I would remove the covers. Shouldn’t get too many leaves and junk in it now. If it does I should be able to clean them out easily. So that is what I did, what a job. I forgot that I had screwed each one about 8 times to the drain and roof.

Besides heat exhaustion and being bug bit it was ok. But the real cost besides my valuable time was that my Black & Decker 18 volt drill burned slap up on me. So now that little job cost me about $50 plus my valuable time. Oh well its only money, surely there is a Stimulus Package for old drills, right?
You be a Blessing to someone today and be Blessed. Today’s verse is “I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”- Psalm 116:1-2


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