Tyler is Having a Ball!

On the right Tyler is at Muscle Beach, he was excited that they gave you free energy drinks. With all the sugar in energy drinks I bet he wound up like a ball of rubber bands. Then more sugar, wow what a mouth full!

I was not home most of the day on Sunday so I was not able to write my Blog. To my faithful two readers I am sorry. But I will try and catch up somewhat today.
I went to a Memorial Service for two Fire Chiefs that were good friends of mine, Chief Gene Reynolds from Orlando FD and Chief Howard Wright from Live Oak FD. It seems that a lot of my friends are dying, but considering my stage of life it’s not surprising.
We have seen pictures from California with Tyler in it. It looks like he is having a ball with his grandparents, and I am sure they are loving it also. He will be coming home next week end as his dad is flying out to do a few things with him and then coming home. I hope to take him fishing some before he goes back to school.
In two days that old Oak tree that has been driving me nuts is coming down. I will have pictures for you to see as it comes down. The timing is just right as the hurricane season is here and the leaves are intact.
My daughter Sandy has been having some back trouble but seems to be getting some help. I hope that all works out well because I can relate to the pain.
Take care and be a Blessing to someone today! Today’s Verse is……“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”- 1 John 1:7


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