So Long, Shade & Leaves

Well its not totally down yet but almost. I bet the tree huggers would kill me if they saw this. It is a little disturbing to see it taken down but I know it has to go. Pat and Luke have already stated how bright it is going to be. Luke's comment was like a weather man, "it's going to bright and sunny today"! I will finish the Blog a little later today with the final pictures of the tree.
They have not finished with the tree yet and the day is ending for them. I will take pictures on Thursday and show the results. I have watched these young men work in the heat all day and I ask myself how? In thinking back when I was young I remember doing this same work on my day's off from the FD. So, I quickly remember how and why. But I am glad that I don't have to do it any more.
Some of my friends have ask how to make comments on my Blog. I can not explain it but if you go to this Web Site it will tell you how.
Take care and have a Blessed day and be a Blessing to someone. Today's verse is ..“But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”- Matthew 16:15-16


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