Long Hot Summer!

My grandson Luke is a master builder as you can see.
Today has been kind of a slow day for me and that’s ok with me. This morning I had breakfast with some classmates and that is always enjoyable. Pat is having lunch with their wives as they get together on the same day. She seems to really enjoy meeting with them as they have kind of adopted her into the class.
I then went to city hall and did a few things, not much as it is normally quiet after a council meeting. I met with the mayor and one council person and basically just shot the breeze.
I then went to a funeral for a friend of mine. Glenn Davis who worked for me at the FD lost his mom this week. I saw a few of the old firefighters that worked with us. I went to lunch with one of them, Larry Storm. We chatted about old times and had a good time.
I am now waiting for the heat to go down some and then I will weed eat and edge my yard. Tomorrow I will mow early in the morning while it is still cool.
Take good care and be a Blessing to someone to day. Today’s verse is ……“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.”- Colossians 2:9-10


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