Now you Know the rest of the story!

This is the entire letter that was sent to the Bradenton Herald. The letter was cut by 170 words due to their restrictions.

“OH MY”, as The University of Florida’s Mick Hubert would say! I was drinking my coffee this morning when I began to read the rebuttal written by Richard O’Brien. Good lord, where did he come up with that bunk?
First of all Mayor Poston did not close City Hall on Fridays. The City Council took that action; we had many reasons to do that. It was explained at a Council meeting which you have never attended. If you wish to have the answers to that please contact me.
As for the city accepting grant money from The Mosaic Company, again the Mayor did not vote to do that. It was passed 3-2 by the city council. I would assume that you dislike the money that has been given to United Way, Meals on Wheels, South Florida Museum, Manatee Chamber, Manatee Education Foundation, Red Cross and the American Cancer Society, just to name a few.
Yes we did decline getting involved with the receiving money for reparation from BP. I made the motion and it was passed by the entire city council. My motion was based on the fact that we could not prove that the City of Bradenton was injured by the oil spill. It would not be honest just to put our hat in the ring because we could. I have to assume that you would have done that!
Blaming the Mayor for the worst commercial market exodus since the depression, good lord! Nobody understands what you mean by that. I can tell you that the biggest exodus we had in that area happened in the 70’s and 60’s. I know, I lived here and it was caused by the Mall and Westside Shopping Center.
The Council and Mayor’s term were extended one year. It was not done un-democratically. We had a public hearing on it and only three people spoke against it. The reason we did it was to change the cycle and save the taxpayers roughly about $80,000.
I have been on the City council for over 20 years, in that time we have never, and I repeat NEVER borrowed massively from our surplus. That is just not the truth and you know it.
We were rated 9th by the National Homeless Coalition because years ago we pass a “No Camping” ordinance in the City of Bradenton, Duh! Just ask the folks at the Bill Galvano One Stop Center if we are mean?
Here is another one of your comments that is not true. We are not rated 405th in pension-plan security by Leroy Collins Institute. They do not rate pension plans, our Fire and Police plans are rated C and above. There are many cities rated below that.
 Mr. O’Brien remember the Dragnet show…Just The Facts Ma'am!      

Have a Blessed day and be a Blessing to someone!

Psalms 37: 3 - 5
God wants all of us to be blessed. But we need to know what God has said in his word on how we can be b-l-e-s-s-e-d.


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