Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day 2012 for the Gallo family!
I think of my mom who passed away in 1999, she raised me and my brother in times when it was a struggle. I am so Blessed that she was a stay at home mother and was there when you needed her to be.

I am double Blessed that my wife Pat was a stay at home mom. She had a very close relationship
with both our daughters. She was their friend, playmate , teacher and loving mom. To see my daughters today I can see that it paid off.

But not to be forgotten are our grandsons who are still active in sports. Tyler is still playing Lacrosse and Luke has gone to basketball and a little track. Sports are very good for kids their age, Tyler 16, and Luke 9.

I hope all moms have a Blessed week.

Today's Bible Verse:

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” -Proverbs 31:30 


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