Been A While.....

I am several weeks behind in my Blogging and to my few followers I am sorry. I have been spending too much time on Face Book because it is quicker to use. I have been busy for a few weeks and maybe these pictures will show you why. The picture above is Dennis, he works for the city and as you can see is a real good fisherman. This 10 1/2 lb bass was caught locally in either Lake Manatee or Parrish.

 Pat and I took the kids and one of their friends to Lake Okeechobee during spring break. As you can see no pictures of fish but plenty of fun. This is Tyler and Dixon up on a Levee at the lake.
 This is Tyler and Dixon trying to scare a few bass into the boat. They did not have a very good guide so fishing was not catching!
 There is Luke up on the Levee thinking about whether he should go over where the big boys are......he thought better of kid.
 Pat is learning how to play cards with a few sharks, I think they all had a good time.
Here is a slide show to show you the balance of our time and where we spend it.....enjoy it and may God Bless you!

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” -2 Corinthians 5:21


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