Flag Football Season Ends

.......as we continue on to another sport, sadly flag football is coming to an end. Tyler still has the playoffs to compete in but Luke's season has ended. The pictures above show just a little action of what the kids have been doing.

Tyler has played both defense and offense, he has done a great job at both. He has been involved in breaking up several long passes that would have gone for TD's. He also has been able to stop several running TD's by getting the flag. I like this kind of football for kids, the danger of severe injuries are not that high. And most of all, they have a lot of fun, and that is the way it should be for kids.
Luke played QB and defense also. Luke threw for many TD's during the season. He has a great arm and feel for the game for a 7 year old. He also ran for a few Td's, he is the 2nd coming of TIM TEBOW....yea!

I don't know what the next sport we will be watching but it will be here soon. The boys have been involved with sports on Anna Maria Island, think I like it better out there.

Saturday is a Gator day for me. At 1 PM the baseball team is on TV and at 6 PM the basketball team is playing Vandy on TV. If they win at Vandy they will win the SEC outright, that would be neat
That's all for today, have a Blessed day and be a Blessing to someone else.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)


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