Bama Week End

I am so sorry for my few followers that I have not blogged lately. I came back from Alabama with a chest cold and at my age it whips ya!
Yes, we went to Tuscaloosa to watch Fla and Bama play football. The weather was just beautiful at game time and made for a nice night. Bama did what I had expected, they kicked the Gators butt.

This was Luke's first Bama football game and Tyler's 2nd. I must say that they were really troopers. Tyler went early with his dad and Brian to set up the tail gate stuff. I think they left about 6 or 6:30 am that morning. This was for a 7 PM football game which made for a long day for them. But Tyler will suffer pain and sweat to do things with his dad, which is great. They both did very well staying with the crowd all day. Doug and Darenda had some friends come by and visit them which was great. The people that I know well were Brian and Sherrie and Kim and John. Kim and her family came over for the tail gate party from Jackson Miss. They did not have tickets just came to visit, such a special bond!

I would like to show you many pictures that I took during the party. But during the game I pressed the wrong button and deleted 45 pictures. geeeeeeez how dumb! So the pictures that you will see are mostly pictures that Tyler took and he did a real nice job. I will let the pictures speak for them selves.

The trip after the game back to the hotel was terrible, no traffic pattern was available for a quick exit. We made it back about 2:45 am and all were totally whipped. Doug made a comment that this was his last game here and I agree no more for me either.

I would like to write some more but I still feel cruddy and I will quit for now. I did meet a special person that I will do a Blog about later. It will be kept a secrete until I do it, but I am excited about it.

Take care and have a Blessed day.

"I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed— I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "that I am God.” (Isaiah 43:11-12)


  1. Sorry you got so sick..bummer! Looks like you had fun except for the traffic. Ok...WHO did you meet???? What's the secret??


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