Football, Football!

Classic comeback: Manatee tops Southeast 31 -24

It was another hard fought High School football game in Manatee County. Southeast proved to be a very worthy opponent for the undefeated Canes of Manatee High School. This game is always one of the most exciting games of the year, and this year was no different than any other year.

Manatee has been a second half team all year. It seems they have to get their backs against the wall before they wake up. Southeast was giving Manatee all they wanted until they woke up and buckled down both defensively and offensively. Southeast seemed to have a lot of problems with leg cramps in the second half. It seemed as though Manatee was in better condition and well hydrated. Pat and I opted to stay at home and listen to it on the radio. This turned out to be a good idea as it was another hot night.

Tuesday night at the Manatee Hot Line radio show will be interesting. I am sure we will hear from the coaches what was said at the half. Here is a comment that was made to the team at half time. “We told them they’d embarrassed themselves in the first half, and I was disappointed in their effort,” said Manatee coach Joe Kinnan. “Maybe this will be a learning experience for us, and we’ll grow up and be able to deal with it better.”

Pat started her Saturday morning off going to see Luke play soccer. When she came home she told me that Luke scored the only goal in the first game. And in the second game he scored two goals for his team. Luke rally enjoys playing soccer and he is really good at it.

Gator's win another close one, Florida 31 Tenn 17

Pat and I went to Ker's Wing House for the Gator watch party. Here is another team that seems not to get started until the second half. I believe that the Gators are still seeking their identity and better hurry. I predict that they will be beaten by Alabama and South Carolina this year. I think you will see Alabama and South Carolina play each other in the Georgia Dome for the SEC championship.

Florida still lacks that big strong running back and some GREAT receivers. This lacking spells dome for the Gators this year. I just don't see anybody getting close to beating Alabama this year. But SC will give them and exciting game to play.
Well time to go watch some pro FB and then go watch the Young Gator Alumni play softball at Gt Bray field.
Have a Blessed week and be a Blessing to someone this week.
Do no“t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 4:29)


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