Rainy Week end....Yea we need it!

Pat and I had a rather laid back week end this past week, which was OK by me. In the last 10 days I have read two James Patterson books and I have started the third. Friday night we went out to supper with Bob and Sue Sweat. After supper we went to their house and played cards for a while. We then ran over to the Marvin's house and let Bear out. The Marvin's were spending the night at the Marvin condo on the beach.
Saturday Tyler came home from his summer vacation. He had been with his other grandparents for about three weeks. They treat him royally as he just has a ball. This year they spent a lot of time at their lake house. Tyler was able to fish and go boating and skiing. As you can see he did rather well fishing, that was his 7th bass to catch.
Luke spent the last week at a soccer camp on the Island. I watch him one day and he did rather well. He was one of the littlest fellows out there and that day he kicked both winning goals. The next day he kicked 3 out of the four goals they scored. So...look out World Cup! He also has a special time with his dog Bear. He loves him very much and I think the feeling is mutual.
Sunday was a day that I napped and watch the sprinkler across the street. It has been broke for over a week and I am waiting to see how long before they fix it. I guess that says something about my age.
This is the latest picture of Tim Tebow. As you can see he is learning what rookies have to do to get along. Appropriate hair cut Huh?
Have a Blessed week and be Blessed.
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:6-7)


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