"Old F*rts (Guys)"

Once a month classmates from the "Great Class of 57" get together. The guys do breakfast and the gals do lunch. Today I thought I would take my camera along and take some pictures. As you can see we eat at First Watch which is located on Cortez Rd and 72nd street West. Today was a small gathering as some were out of town on vacation.

Staring on the left you can see a portion of Nick Baden (who was ducking), Bill Howard, Sonny Smith and Sam Bell. On the right side is Bud Parent, Chuck Harwick and Gerald Hines. Chuck went to grade school with these guys so I did not know him.

Our conversation around the table was about everything you can think of. Nick just got back from Alaska and told us about his trip which was interesting. Of course anytime Nick talks it is interesting. Bill Howard told about talking to his son Billy via Scape. He said it is like sitting in the same room with him We all pray for Billy's safe trip back home when his tour is up. Sam Bell told us about his upcoming trip to Russia. Niki told him once he gets there he is going to wonder why we fear them. Bud it headed for his trip to Alaska which is a yearly outing for him.

Well that's it for the week I will see you next week. have a Blessed day and be Blessed.

“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” (James 1:21)


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