Typical Morning at the Marvins when Maw Maw shows up in the Summertime

The day is just beginning for grandma to get her grand kids going. As you can see Mr. Luke had a Fort built in his parents bedroom for the night. And of course his Buddie, Bear is right by his side, that will change some day as he gets older. Bear will want his own space and will sleep some where else. As you can see they have a neat collection of Hess Trucks. "Guess what" they discovered they did not have the year 2000 (Fire Trk) Well, Darenda ordered the 2000 Hess Fire Trk.
As you can see Tyler starts his day and ends his day with the electronic world. This seems to be the norm for boys his age, I guess it could be worse. Over the past year he has grown like a weed and will be in HS next year at Manatee (3rd generation) I am not sure I can handle that. he is dressed and ready to go to his golf lesson for the day. It has got to be really hot out there, but kids can handle it a lot better then old folks.
As you can see Pat and I receive a Blessing each day with these kids. I hope that you are Blessed today.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)


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