Another Humid day in Paradise!

Saturday morning and it is about 8 AM so I decided to get off of my butt and get the yard work done, before it got too hot. In the past I have shown pictures of our yard when we were under construction with the new room. We were paying a man to keep our yard from chinch bugs and fungus. As you remember he was not successful at all, so far Pat and I have been lucky with our treatments. Pat and I always have taken a lot of pride in our yard. We will continue doing it as long as we can, it does give you a lot of self satisfaction when you look at it when your done.
The plant you see is a Camellia plant that Darenda bought in Alabama for Pats Birthday. We have had it a couple of years now. We struggle with getting it to grow and blossom out like it should. If anybody out there has any hints on what we can do please let me know. If you can not comment on my Blog please email me at
The Day Lillie's you see are very old, we think they are over 20 years old. Pat and my daughter Sandy dug them up in South Carolina. They were growing wild at my hunting camp and one spring the girls thought to bring some home and plant them. They are very beautiful and we enjoy them very much.
Well the bottom two pictures are the beginning and the end. Pat took these pictures and told me to put them on the Blog. I guess she wants proof that I do something some of the time. Pat is a stickler for picking up twigs and anything else that might be found in the yard. She really enjoys working in the yard and is really responsible for it being kept neat.
Well you have a Blessed day and be Blessing to someone else today.
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)


  1. It is so funny that you would post about the day lilies, they are everywhere here right now blooming along the roadsides. I keep telling James I want to stop and dig some up, but I am chicken that someone will come after me with a pitchfork and chase me away!!


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