A Great Week End

Saturday started off with a football game with Tyler. The top picture shows Tyler intercepting a pass and almost making it into the end zone. They did score on the very first play after that. The next picture shows Tyler kicking off after the TD. It looks like he muffed it but he did not it went very far into the othet teams side of the field. The next picture tyler feeling great as their team had just scored another TD and was winning the game hands down. It was a great day to watch football, it was a little over cast and not hot. When the game was over we all went to our house to eat lunch. The next pictures will be of Lukes BB game which was at 1 PM. Tyler took the pictures and did just a great job as you will see.

The first picture is Luke throwing the ball in from left field. he fielded it very nice and threw a perfect shot in to the SS. The next photo was Luke preparing to bat and getting instructions from his dad. As you can see by the next shot he was just a little late with his swing. He does have a great attitude about the game. His coaches do not do a very good job with teaching these kids. They do not practice hardly at all and it shows. I wish I had the stamia to deal with it i knwo I could help. But I think that they are having fun and I guess that counts for something. I will put a few more pictures at the bottom jus to share with no comentary.

On Sunday we were invited over to Darenda and Dougs hosue to celebrate Pat (4/21) and my birthday (4/18). It was a great meal and a great time spent with family. Darenda made stuffed artichokes and a macaroni dish wirh a wine sauce, it was really great. we will have pictures to share later as they are on Darenda's camera. Pat bought me the neatest BD gift, I now can record all my favorite old time songs on CD's. I have 45's,78's and 33 1/3 LP records, I am
having a bal

Have a great day and be Blessed and be a Blessing to someone today. >
“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:20-22)


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