No, it does not end!

The other day I shared with you that I was still taking roots out where the old oak tree stood. I stood back rather proud that I beat the odds that this old man could still do it. The next morning when I looked out in the direction of my root work I shrunk to the old man syndrome. Lord and behold I saw the old familiar site of grey sand. I know right away that I had cut an irrigation line when I was chopping. I went out to fix it not wanting to give up just was too much for me. The pipes were wrapped up with more roots and big roots. So I did the smart thing this time, I called a man to come over and fix it.
The next day I repaired and changed some sprinkler heads. I also re-arranged the location of some. I think that I will get better coverage the way I have it laid out now. I do have one little problem, I bought a new Orbit sprinkler from Lowes. This sprinkler is a lower profile than the other and that is what I wanted. The problem is that the nozzle is too big, it is 4 gpm and I need a 1 gpm. So off to Lowes I went to buy a new nozzle for the sprinkler. Now this is what I was told by Lowes, "You have to get nozzles from Orbit". Who ever heard of that, they have nozzles for all the rest of their sprinklers. I looked them up on the Internet, a pack is $2.69 for 4 different sizes. Of course it is additional $5 to ship them, what a racket.
Today Pat and I went and watched Luke play baseball again. The team did not fair out very well but of course Luke did very good. Tyler went to the Cotillion dance at the country club last night. As you can see by the picture he has really grown quite a bit. He is as tall as his Dad and Mom now. Boy time is just flying by so quickly, next year he will be at Manatee HS.
I will be going to early church this Sunday so I can get home early. My Gators are playing Ky at noon and I want to be home early enough to see them. I don't think that if I ask the preacher to step it up a little that it would work.
Take care an be a Blessing to someone and you be Blessed also.
“[Praise to the LORD] O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.” (Isaiah 25:1)
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