Tis the start of the Weekend!

My day off so I could just piddle around the house and do nothing. I cleaned up the stucco chips that I knock off the house a couple of days ago. I trimmed a bush so when we paint the house it will not be in the way. I tried to drill into the rock on my house to repair the storm drain down spout. I could not get the drill to go in the rock. I will have to see if any of my friends have a hammer drill. I took some of the concrete blocks that were stacked up and put them where I could use them later.

My contractor who was supposed to be here all day Friday has never shown up. He was supposed to have hung the door this week, oh well. The framer’s did show up and finish the job today. Of course not to my satisfaction as there are some mistakes. The electrician’s have just now shown up and are roughing in the electric.

Yesterday I forgot to mention that my high schools buds met for breakfast. We always have a great time shooting the bull and I mean bull! I remember going to restaurants and seeing a table full of ole folks. Now I am “them ole folks”, wow it has just flown by.

Hope all of you have a Blessed weekend and you are a Blessing to someone also.
Encouraging Words
“Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.” (Psalm 95:1-2)


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