Wild Weekend!

Well we all survived the weekend, between the grandkids and flag football and Gator Watch party we made it. Poor Pat had the worst of it as the flag football ran 40 minutes later than usual; she had to cook food for the party.

As you can see the football game was full of excitement. One picture shows Luke running the ball for an extra point. Not sure if he will be another Tim Tebow but he does look tough. The picture of Tyler is the prelude to him catching a pass for an extra point. The face his made looks like he is in pain, but he caught it. It is really fun watching the kids on Saturday morning. I just wish it would cool off a little as it is still pretty warm.

Well the Gator’s barely won another game; they sure do not deserve to be Ranked Number ONE. But it is a W in the right column. We had our watch party at Caleb & Michele Grimes home. As you can see we had a good crowd attending. In one of the pictures you will see Nicky Baden with a dog on the couch. Now the significant’s of this is this. People who know Nicky will wonder, what is he doing at a Gator party. Nicky is an FSU grad and fan, but I have the proof. Give a Seminole free food and he will go anywhere.

Today is the start of our remodeling of the room. The contractor is out there right now beating and framing. He is taking the windows out and I am putting them in a trailer. I have a friend who wants them so I have his trailer and I will deliver them to him. I will have pictures on Tuesday and will show the progress.

Encouraging Words
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)


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