Lazy is My Excuse!

I am trying to motivate myself into writing again, for some reason I am struggling to do so. We spent a week on the road on a little mini vacation. We visited the Gregory's on NC for a few days and then stopped by my daughter Sandy's house. Sandy and her husband James have a beautiful home in Newnan Ga.

I also had some time to put in the deer feeder, as you can see by the picture it is in a great place in their back yard. They have been out of town so I will will anxious to see if the deer found the corn. The feeder is in the woods infront of my son in law James.

We are planning some remodeling to our home. I will be showing you pictures as we go along. Keep in mind that all this work has been caused by my cutting down the big oak tree.

Pat and I have been glued to our TV watching the balloon that a little boy was suppose to be in. So far they have not found the little boy ant where.

Anyway, be a Blessing to someone today and be Blessed. Today's verse is Encouraging Words,

“How great you are, O Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.” (2 Samuel 7:22)


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