The 4th is coming!

Well we survived another week, well at least most of us. It seems that a good number of famous people have passed away this week.
I was able to get a few things done today but nothing real important. But it kept me from sitting in front of the TV all day. I know that I am doing too much of that and it is not good for me. I mowed the yard this morning before it got to hot and muggy. I went to Lowes and purchased some items that will give me something to do next week. I also bought some bird feed and squirrel food, I love watching them eat.
I am planning to change my outside lighting next week or this weekend. I want to start leaving the yard light on all night so my changes include saving energy, the big yard light will be changed to a fluorescent bulb and the two garage wall lights will be sensor type.
I finally fixed a chair that has been broken for over a year. Man can I procrastinate things like that I am good at that. Not doing much for the 4th as it always really hot. We have been invited to two parties out at the beach. I have told Pat that I did not want to go and fight the heat and the traffic. But I think I will ask her if she wants to take some chairs and go to the water front down town and watch them.
Well that’s it for the day; be a Blessing to someone today!

Today’s verse is…. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.”- Proverbs 14:34


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