The Start!

This is Luke's 1st year of Tee Ball

Well today is the start of my Blogging, my daughter Sandy has warned me about my spelling and grammar. So, for all you who have nothing to do and read my Blog good luck.

I start off each of my days with a reading from the good book and coffee, today is no different. I will share each day that I write my verse for the day which today is. "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.”- James 3:17-18
As each day is pretty much the same as far as work goes. I am a City Commissioner for the City of Bradenton. Each morning I read all of my emails sent to me from friends and taxpayer's. Most are very nice and some are rather tough to deal with. In this Political world you make 7 people happy and 1 mad, so you deal with it. Most decisions that have to be made are tough especially dealing with Land Use Issues, there are always several sides to the issue.

My wife is home from a trip to Louisiana for a family wedding. She had a great time an a safe trip home which I am thankful for. So today when I go home for lunch it will not be lonely.


  1. Glad Mom is home, I enjoyed talking to her on the phone this morning. Tell her to call more often in the mornings, I'm in a better (less tired) mood. Ha ha.


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