
 Sept 12, 2023 Oh, my goodness it has been sometime since I have written in my Blog. I am fully retired and totally bored at this time of my life. I really feel my life shortening each day, and I am ready for the Lord to call me home. Life here has changed in my family; a lot of updates are do. Sandy and James have moved from Georgia to Tenn, then moved to Va, and then to Mississippi where they live presently. They have a beautiful home and 19 acres of land. I have not been able to travel for a few years, so I have not been there.  I was never able to travel to Va, the pictures I saw of the home was beautiful. Tyler is now working for Manatee Memorial Hospital; he is a case worker in the ER room. This job is much better than the one he had prior which was a drug Rehab. The real big news is that this past week end he was married. Tyler met a beautiful, sweet girl from Cali Columbia. She was here on a visa visiting her uncle and aunt. They dated for quite a while and then she had to go b

Good Friday 2020

Dear Pat, I love you and miss you very much. This terrible virus that is all over this world s taking many lives. I have been home for 28 days now and it is not very much fun. Doug and Tyler are still having to go to work. School has been shut down state wide so Luke is staying home also. As God would have it Darenda changing jobs was a great move, she gets to work from home. Tyler is staying out on the Island in the Marvin's condo by his self. I don't know when this mess will be over, I just pray that no one in our family gets sick. Take care Darling and enjoy Easter in Heaven with all the angels.

CoranaVirus is Satins new tool!

Today is march 17th 2020 and this world is being threaten with a life threatening virus which started in China. To this date Manatee County has only had 5 people infected that we know of. The fear is so great that the all the stores have run out of all the essentials of life. I pray for my family each night for protection, my family is dominated by Asthma, with Sandy have the worse case. I am really concerned about my Grandson Tyler who lives with me. He works at a Drug re-hab hospital and could very easily catch it there. I pray that he stays smart and safe. I have been staying home from city hall this week but I know that will end soon. I had planned a trip to Ellistion Va. where my daughter Sandy lives. But that is on hold at this time.
Well Pat things have really been changing around here and I wish you were here to celebrate with me. First of all James and Sandy have moved to Virginia since you left us. James has been promoted to a very high level in the company. I am so proud of him, he sure is s very hard working young man. We are truly Blessed to have him in our family. I will be flying up for my first visit with them in Elliston Va. this April. Darenda has left the firm of Grimes to work for a National company. She will be working out of her home. They made an office out of Tyler's  old bedroom. You would be as I am very proud of her. WMG Development, LLC ‏   @ WMGDev 17h 17 hours ago We are excited to announce Darenda Marvin, AICP has joined the WMG Development Team! Darenda will serve as a Regional Development Manager for our Florida Division. Help us welcome her to our team! # florida # floridarealestate # cre # wmgdevelopment
Well Pat it is completed, We bought our youngest grandson a pick up truck this month. You and I made a PAC years ago to help with our grandsons first mode of transportation and to help with their college. Three out of four are completed, Luke's college is the last thing on our bucket list. I am afraid that I might not be here to see that. I know that God has Blessed us and we in return have shared it with our family, Thank you God!.


Dear Pat, it is Christmas eve 2019, another Christmas without you here. People say that it gets easier with time, it does not, infact it gets harder. I sit today remembering all the time we had together and the things we did, the places we went. I am thankful to God for all the Blessings that he bestowed on us. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think we would have the opportunity to enjoy life as we did. We had two beautiful girls given to us by God and that was the Biggest Blessings that we had together. I am thinking and wondering how and what you are doing today. Will we know each other when we meet again? I hope so, I want you back in my life so bad! But someday we will find out for sure what Jusus has planned for us, well I will, you already know. Thank you darling for what you did for me and the girls, you were very special in our life, even today. I LOVE YOU!
Fifty seven years ago my life took a dramatic change. Those who really knew me know very well what I am talking about. Today 57 years ago I married a gift from God, her name was Pat. She was the most beautiful girl that I had ever seen. And sweet, she was so sweet that sugar tasted bitter. Most people who knew me back then would tell you that she probably had lost her mind marring me. But now I know, God had given her a mission, and that mission was me and I am so thankful f or the time he let her share her life with me. The plan that God had, was giving us two beautiful daughters, two great son-in-law’s and two fantastic grandsons. Most important Pat had her Salvation with Jesus Christ. I did not, the plan by Jesus was in place and I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. That part of the mission was the most important part, it was completed. Pats death was another challenge as I had to learn to let her go. But with knowing that I would see her again came peace. I love her more